

Welcome to Dyludium Digital. We are a game studio located in the North of England, specialising in games made in Unity. Founded by 2 lads in March 2020, we have since been making games non stop and continuing to expand our knowledge in the industry.


Short explanation

Here at Dyludium Digital, we are always striving to learn more and make better games. We are dedicated to the craft of game development and always like seeing people play our games; whether it’s for 5 minutes or 5 hours. We will continue to make games for as long as we can do so, and the only people who can decide how long that will be is you: our fans.


Developer Favourites


Is a fast-paced sort-em-up puzzley/action game designed to put your skills to the test.

Agricultral Espionage

Commit arson to shut down your opposition in order to make sure more people buy your produce. 


Read our blog to find out all the juicy details on our latest games as well as see bugs and our thought process behind ideas!

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